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Carmen F. DeGregorio Sr.

June 1, 1956-November 29, 2007

Carmen was a husband and the father of twins, a boy and a girl. He was devoted to his family. Carmen helped his children with their homework and was there to guide them whenever they needed him. His family was his greatest joy. Carmen was also a son, brother, uncle, and Godfather. He had many friends and family who loved him dearly. For a number of years he was a member of the local rescue squad and he served in the United States Air Force. Carmen was also the Flotilla Commander for Flotilla #34 of the United States Coast Guard and taught Safe Boating Classes. When he was young, it was Carmen’s dream to become a police officer and he served his community as such for 25 years before his retirement. He was well liked and respected by his fellow officers. Carmen was killed while saving the life of a domestic violence victim. Carmen was always looking out for his family and the people of his community.

Carmen had a wonderful sense of humor and could laugh easily. He loved to tell stories about the latest thing the twins were doing and about his cars and how he wanted to fix them. He loved his old blue Chevy truck.

We will always think of Carmen with love in our hearts.