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Kathryn Elizabeth Rhoads

I called her Katie. Born with red hair, Katie was unique in so many ways. She was my only child.

I never expected to lose her at such an early age. She had so much more to experience in life. But my faith is strong, and I know Katie is safe with God.

I am reminded of her every day, through people, music, smells, and food. We had our best memories in a grocery store. If I let her she would have put every item in the cart. Movies hold a special memory of Katie, as she loved to spend hours watching them. It was hard to create her quilt, at first I wanted to put “everything” on it. But I realized that her life would not fit on a nine inch square. The ten inch piece of material is from her “sewing” days. She wanted to make colorful pillows for her bedroom. I used her favorite fabric paint. She used this paint on everything she owned, including tee shirts, books, and picture frames, and even the walls. In the center of her quilt is her tattoo. She designed it herself and was extremely proud of it. The tattoo was drawn by her dearest friend on a piece of her jeans. Her jeans were only one kind- Tilts. Katie would make rope necklaces and bracelets for herself and for anyone who asked for one. These creations were very important to her. Finally, a few pieces of her favorite belt and tee shirt complete the quilt for Katie.
I am so proud that Katie was involved in organ donation. I wish everyone would know the kind of peace and healing it can provide. I miss you Katie. Love, Mom.