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Hailey Magras

This Square is of our precious Hailey Michelle Magras. She loved cookies, food, her big sister, and life. She was such a happy child.

Hailey was only 21 months old and full of life and energy. On April 16, 2008, a fire broke out in my house and changed the life of my older child Felisha who was 3 and a half. Hailey survived the fire, but not the smoke inhalation. She hold on in the hospital for a few days. We had hope that she would make it, but GOD decided to take her home to be with her sister. Hailey was our ROCK! Hailey helped us through so much even at her young age.

This picture was taken at our wedding with her sister Felisha. It has been over a year and they are still loved and missed every day.