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Charles A. Kapral


November 3, 1944-May 27, 2008

This quilt square is submitted in honor of my husband. The blue commemorates his twinkling blue eyes. Loving husband is my tribute for the precious thirty-seven years we shared together. Vietnam Vet symbolizes the four years he served our country as a sergeant in the United States Air Force, six months of which were in Viet Nam. Pet lover is in memory of our dogs Eric, Cleo and Caesar, Spot, Michael McGee, Maggie Mae and Daisy Mae and the three Spotties of his childhood. He volunteered at the S.P.C.A. where he brightened the lives of hundreds of homeless animals. Astronomer! Charlie was fascinated by the universe and passionately studied it through out his entire life.

Everyone who knew him could tell a story about the love, joy and compassion he brought into their lives. This quilt patch touches upon only some of the extraordinary aspects of the life of Charlie Kapral.

Forever My Love,
