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Bobby John Rambo

Bobby. His sister says goofy, kind. His brother says awesome. Brother in law says patient. Sister in law says loyal. Bobby loved his motorcycle and his guitar. He loved long rides with a gang of his friends and his brother and sister in law, and frequently his parents. He loved to camp and play his guitar and sing by the campfire. He was fiercely protective of those he loved. When riding his bike he would lead and point out any problem areas. He was the friend who was always there no matter day or time. He loved his Ravens. And he adored his nephew "Mr. Thomas" as he called him. He loved his God and portrayed that in the most basic way to everyone he met- accepting, non-judgmental and loving. Bobby could smile and light up a room. Bobby left us on May 23, 2009 while doing what he loved-riding his bike. He was active in Christian Motorcyclist Association and loved what they stood for: "Ridin' for the Son." Now Bobby is "Ridin' with the Son." His Dad remembers him as a leader, mom remembers him as gentle. The family and friends he left will love and miss him with every breath until that glorious day when we are reunited in a place Bobby knows well, but we can only imagine. Bobby forever our love- there's a hole in our family only you could fill, but it is with gratefulness and pride that we remember your 24 years 9 months and 2 days that we were blessed to have you with us. The song lyrics he wrote describe his journey through life as written on the quilt square.