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Paul R. Petrilla, Sr.

October 1938-July 2009

Paul had a full life. He loved his family and enjoyed the company of many friends. His other love was his 1926 Model T Ford that he nicknamed Honey. He served in the US Navy naval air for 20 years and enjoyed flying with the air crew. He had many hobbies and interests. Besides tinkering with cars, he was interested in old radios, old phonographs and all kinds of antiques. He saw value in old tools and things of yesteryear.

Paul had a great sense of humor, but underneath his funny exterior, was a caring and sensitive person who was always willing to help people. After his death, we learned of his many acts of kindness. It’s fitting that a part of him now lives on in others and helps them lead a more productive life.

Paul will always be remembered with love. He was taken from us suddenly and is missed by his family and friends. “Our Paul, loved by all.”

The family of Paul Petrilla