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Dayna Ruth Roberts

9/12/90 – 12/24/09

Dayna died in a car accident on Christmas Eve in 2009. It was a beautiful day and night that we all shared together with her. We had a wonderful dinner and went to Christmas Eve candlelight service together. Dayna was 19 and had just finished her first semester at Keystone College. She was pursuing a degree in teaching or helping people and children, she had not decided yet.

Dayna was full of love of life, everyday she lived to the fullest. Everyone that knew her, saw her smile, and love of people that they could not help but to love her and smile at life too. Even in death she was giving of love to people she did not know. She is missed so deeply by her parents George and Lorrie Roberts, her two older brothers Steven and Bryan and her best friend/sister Jamie Halloran.