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Timothy Ulmer

Timothy Miles Ulmer

Tim was born March 5, 1966; the ninth of fifteen children, the seventh of eleven sons. He was a father to four and a step-father of two. He went to be with Jesus on October 16, 2008.

Tim was my husband, best friend, handyman, soul mate, and treasure. Over the six years that he was part of my life, I knew the greatest joy of my life. With his passing, I have known the greatest pain.

I wish you could have known him. Tim loved life. He loved to sweetly tease people. He had an incredibly endearing affect and, while he was quiet, he connected with people easily because he was kind-hearted, gentle, continuously considerate of others, patient, easy-going, hard-working, fun and witty.

Tim deeply loved and cared for his children; he sacrificed tremendously for them even while he found himself heartbroken in his marriage. He chose not to have television in his home and would spend hours in the evening playing games with his children. He loved to provide simple, memorable experiences for them-tent camping, biking, butchering their pig "Porkchop," growing blue potatoes, raising silky chicken peeps in his kitchen…all as a father alone.

Tim was brilliant. He could fix and build anything. If he didn't know how to do something he worked at it until he figured it out. This made him tremendously invaluable in his work at Con-way Freight.

Tim love Jesus Christ, his Savior and Lord and served his church family by being a helper. He had a servant heart.

And, he loved me. We shared a brief 20 months of marriage. He doted on me, cared for me, teased me, encouraged me, and changed me. My precious Tim-dearly missed yet more alive than ever.

Rebecca Ulmer