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David "Buzz" Heath

I think I would need pages and pages to write down all the wonderful things about my husband Buzz. I have 43 years of memories. He died on a beautiful day in June. Doing what he loved most-fishing.

Buzz was a big man-full of love and compassion for others. He was a jokester always getting a laugh. He was a good father and Grandpa. He could fix any car and was unbeatable in Jeopardy-or any trivia questions. He was a true Philadelphia sports fan. He loved music-all types-and it filled our home everyday. What I loved most, was his lovely eyes-so gray-blue-and his big hands.

My family has so much to be grateful for by just having him to love-laugh-cry-to enjoy just spending time together. These are the memories we count on now. He is missed by all that knew him.

Every night I watch the sunset and I know he painted it just for all of us- a peaceful picture.