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George Kalishevich

This quilt square is dedicated to the memory of my father George Kalishevich. He was a Marine, a karate expert, an avid woodsman, a radio D.J., an electrician, a historian, a loving and dedicated husband and the most wonderful father anyone could have. The mountains on the square represent some of my fondest memories of him which were of the hikes in the woods we used to take together. The karate position represents his passion for the study and practice of karate, jujitsu, and tae kwon do. The Marines patch represents the proudest time of his life when he was a Marine sergeant. Finally the plaid fabric around the out side comes from a scarf that belonged to his father whom he loved very much. My entire life I never saw my father wear any other scarf. He is missed and loved very deeply but because of his donation others have a chance at life.