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Fred Marquardt

Dad was the 5th child of George and Bertha Marquardt, growing up in the Coal Region during the realms of WWII. Times were hard yet his faith in God never waivered.

At age 19, he humbly accepted his destiny to become the head of the household upon the accidental death of his father.

When he was 22, he married Mom, Rose Paletskie, and asked her to come live with him and his mother in the homestead. As a father of 3 girls, he worked tirelessly to support the family often supplementing his income doing odd jobs for local people.

Later, he unselfishly volunteered as the President and Caretaker at the United Protestant Cemetery and Sexton, Maintenance Man, Councilman and Financial Secretary at Zion Lutheran Church, both in Girardville. Every Sunday he served in some capacity at the church service by reading the lessons, taking up the offering and assisting with the administration of communion. Additionally, he helped many people with handyman chores, often for little or no compensation, and was known to many in the area as "The Handyman who could fix anything." A few years ago when we were attending a Thanksgiving Day Service, his response to what he was thankful for was that "he had found his purpose in life." Although we never discussed it, there was no doubt in my mind that it was his service to God and others in need.

Dad's passions included: hanyman/home improvements projects, maintenance of the church and cemetery, crossword puzzles, playing his guitar, his dogs, baseball and last but not least, his loving family and friends.

At his sudden passing, mom, along with the children decided to donate his corneas after a request from the Lion's Eye Bank. It was a difficult decision at the time, but now it seems only fitting that this "Gift of Life" to others is the appropriate complement to his wonderful life of unselfish giving.

Linda Catizone, daughter.