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Delaware Supports Organ and Tissue Donation during National Donate Life Month

Delaware continues to be at the forefront in its commitment to registering organ and tissue donors, expanding the donor pool and supporting donation.

Gift of Life Donor Program – the non-profit, federally designated organ procurement organization serving the eastern half of Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey and Delaware – joined Governor John C. Carney, Delaware legislators and organ and tissue donation advocates today to show their support of April’s National Donate Life Month (NDLM) in Legislative Hall. Governor Carney read a proclamation to honor NDLM, and there were House and Senate resolutions and a bill signing in support of organ donation legislation.

Delaware continues to be at the forefront in its commitment to registering organ and tissue donors, expanding the donor pool and supporting donation. Delaware has taken a strong leadership role in Gift of Life’s area, and ranks at 57 deceased donors-per-million population in 2016, one of the highest rates in the nation.

Currently in Gift of Life’s region, more than 5,400 men, women and children are awaiting a life-saving organ transplant. Nationally, over 118,000 people are waiting. In the U.S., an average of 22 people die each day while waiting, showing the importance of registering more donors.

“The need for organ and tissue donors is extensive and affects people across our community.” said Howard M. Nathan, President and CEO, Gift of Life Donor Program. “We salute Delaware for its continued advocacy and commitment to our mission.”

“Delawareans are compassionate people who understand that organ and tissue donation saves lives. Our state is already a leader in donor registration. I was proud to sign a proclamation recognizing April, 2017 as National Donate Life Month in Delaware, and to sign SB 17, which makes common sense changes to allow even more Delawareans to benefit from the compassion of others and live fuller lives.” said Governor John C. Carney.

The legislation will expand opportunities for HIV-positive individuals to donate and receive life-saving organ transplants. It is estimated that allowing organ donations between HIV-positive individuals could result in 500 -1,000 additional organs transplanted annually on the national level.


About Gift of Life Donor Program

Gift of Life Donor Program is the non-profit, federally-designated organ procurement organization, serving 11.2 million people across Delaware, southern New Jersey and the eastern half of Pennsylvania. Its annual donation rate ranks among the highest in the world. Since 1974, Gift of Life has coordinated more than 46,000 life-saving organs for transplant, and approximately one million tissue transplants have resulted from the generosity of donors and their families.  One organ donor can save the lives of up to eight people, and a tissue donor can enhance the lives of up to 75 others. For more information or to register, visit donors1.org.

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