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Two families brought together through Gift of Life Donor Program

A chance meeting at the local Gift of Life race has brought two families together physically. But emotionally, they were already connected.

It’s an incredible story about two boys and their families. One is now a teenager and is living with a hero’s heart.

Noah Lamey, 13, loves basketball and really – all sports.

“I just like being a part of a team and running around,” he said.

But four years ago, Noah could hardly breathe. His parents say he was diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy. He’d been waiting for a heart transplant for 6 months.

Meanwhile across town, another family was also struggling. Markita Lewis’s son Marquis, who was 13 at the time, had suffered a fatal asthma attack. Markita decided to donate his heart, liver and kidneys.

Read the full article here.

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