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EDITORIAL: Hero in life — and death

A local firefighter who died responding to a call for help gave the gift of life to others through organ donation.

The life-saving gesture was not unusual for Harrisburg Bureau of Fire Lt. Dennis DeVoe. He was answering a call of duty he had answered thousands of times before, his wife, Amy DeVoe, said.

Gift of Life, the organization that worked with Denny DeVoe’s family in the organ donation, said he was an exemplary firefighter and, now, organ donor.

Along with the organ donations, body tissue from Denny DeVoe will be ready for use in the coming weeks in as many as 100 surgeries, according to Amy DeVoe.

“It’s remarkable to think about Denny being able to help a child who may be in a burn unit or knowing two people will wake up and see the sunrise tomorrow,” she added.

Read the full article here.

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