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On-campus campaign gives students the option to register to become an organ donor

Temple advertising students create the H8theW8 campaign to raise awareness for organ and tissue donation on campus.

On Monday, the first day of the H8theW8 campaign, students spoke to a janitor on campus whose daughter, an organ donor, passed away last year.

“It was very touching to talk to him,” said Craig Diviny, who has been registered as an organ donor since he was 17 years old. “If I can save someone’s life when I’m gone and I don’t need it anymore, then why not? It doesn’t make sense not to be.”

Diviny is a senior advertising major and a member of Temple’s student-run advertising agency Diamond Edge Communications. DEC teamed up with Gift of Life and Donate Life Pennsylvania — two organizations encouraging people to become organ donors — to create H8theW8, a week-long, on-campus campaign that hopes to register as many interested students as possible to become organ donors. DEC also had a goal to register 500 students by today.

Read more about the campaign hosted by Temple Students in the full article here.

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