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Transplant recipient brings home gold

Courtesy of the Republican Herald.

LAKE WYNONAH — The heart transplant Ron Boris Jr. received in 2009 gave him more than a longer life.

It also gave him the opportunity to play basketball, doubles badminton and darts in a national competition earlier this month. He brought home gold medals in all three categories.

“I just did my best and the cards fell the right way. I also brought home a silver medal in badminton singles,” Boris, 55, of Lake Wynonah, said June 28.

It occurred at the Transplant Games of America, held in Cleveland, Ohio, from June 10 to 15, according to Allison McDaniel, a spokeswoman for the Gift of Life Donor Program, Philadelphia.

“Members of Gift of Life Donor Program’s Team Philadelphia went head-to-head with more than 6,000 athletes from across the country, medaling in track and field, swimming, basketball, bowling and more at the 2016 Donate Life Transplant Games of America. Team Philly, made up of 78 organ transplant recipients, 15 living donors and 26 donor families, traveled to Cleveland, Ohio, to participate in the games from June 10-15, showcasing their athletic abilities and determination. Along with Team Philly’s athletes, donor family members, whose loved ones gave the gift of life, traveled as part of the team to cheer on the competitors,” McDaniel said in a press release June 23.

Boris competed as part of Team Philadelphia. Read more about Ron’s trip to the Transplant Games of America.

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