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Three kidney transplants later, a Hamilton teen is taking home the gold

Mike Snyder, 17, of Hamilton, NJ was happy to be back with Team Philadelphia at the Transplant Games after nearly 5 years waiting for a new kidney.

Mike Snyder is no dummy. The Steinert senior, at the young age of 17, has already figured out it’s not the cards you get, but how you play them.

“Oh yeah, it does help with girls,” Snyder said. “I definitely use it.”

“It” in this case is the fact Snyder is already on his third donated kidney after being born with kidney failure. I didn’t ask him specifically how he “uses” it, but god bless Snyder for realizing every edge counts in the wild, wild, world of teenage love.

But enough embarrassing the kid; let’s celebrate him (and his mom, Gigi) for a moment.

The two of them recently came back from the biennial American Transplant Games, held this year in Salt Lake City. Mike came home with a gold in bowling and a silver in basketball, while Gigi took down two golds herself, one for bowling and another for pickleball.

Read the full article here.

Read more stories about Team Philadelphia at the Transplant Games.

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