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Gilda Joann Heckman

My husband Jon and I found out during our first trimester ultrasound/screening that our sweet daughter had Anencephaly. We decided to let God take the wheel and I was able to carry her for 41 weeks and 4 days. Every kick brought a smile and a tear. We had the privilege of working with a pediatric palliative care team (IMPACT) over the course of the next 6 months and they were truly instrumental in the planning and healing processes. Gilda Joann Heckman was born at 5:02am on 09/29/16. She weighed in at 6 1/2 pounds and was like 19 1/2 inches long. She was our perfect little Gilda girl! We had 8 glorious hours with her and we were able to give her a bath, dress her, snuggle her, get her hand prints and footprints, read to her, sing to her… the list goes on. She was surrounded by a roomful of people who loved her unconditionally. She went to be with Jesus shortly after 1:00pm and we are so grateful and blessed for the opportunity to encircle her in love during her short but impactful life. She was able to donate her heart valves to another person and we are truly proud of our sweet girl.

-Jon and Leia Heckman