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Jacob Thomas Linn

On January 10, 2015 our comical, handsome, loving, caring son was killed in a car accident. It was 1 day before we would be taking him back to college after his Christmas break. His friend was speeding and hit a tree, Jake was killed instantly. Since this day we have had to learn to embrace a new relationship with Jake. Talking through prayer, looking for “signs”, laughing and crying at memories. This 9X9 Square represents all that Jake embodied and loved. From the plaid shirts he loved, the ragged khaki shorts that he would not give up, his childish love of Walt Disney World and the sports he adored and watched so intently every week. We can’t even begin to add every detail of Jake’s life to this square. He loved life and made every day count. Our lives have been forever changed by this event, but through Gift of Life, we know that Jake lives on and is helping someone. This was the way he lived his life and would not want anything different to come from his death. Knowing someone can see through our son’s beautiful eyes makes this just a tiny bit easier. We cannot and memorial for all the selfless donors. It is truly a bittersweet honor to have our son’s name as part of this awesome organization.