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Merle Smith

Merle was a very brave person. He choose to help others, so they would be able to go through life and be able to enjoy living. His unselfishness helped save someone who was in dire need . I am so proud  of him to help others go through life with the things, that  they were so much in need of. Right before Merle passed on he told me that he was a donor. That made me feel so good, of him to do that. There are so many people out there that are in need of things to help them get through life. With the help of these donors other people have a chance. I hope others are willing to be like Merle, and are willing to donate as he has helped someone out there that person or persons have a chance at life. I am so happy that Merle gave someone a chance at life. WE need more people out there like Merle he is a hero. Merle left behind something that I hope others will take into consideration. He us missed, but never will be forgotten, that he left behind a wonderful thing. A Gift of Life.

– Merle Smith,
