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Harry H. Sherman

Harry H. (Tank) Sherman, carried an unending passion for the game of football. Beginning with his high school years growing up on a farm in Wellsboro, Pa. He worked and played tirelessly to not only finish whatever he started, but to finish it with excellence and integrity.

Rushing full force to pursue his dream in college, he easily earned his ran on the football team, and soon became a local sports celebrity simply known as “Tank” by his classmates. It suited him well due to his broad shoulders and his ability to bowl over competitors with force and endurance of a, well, Sherman tank.

Moving forward, after college he shared his knowledge and skill with younger generations while coaching high school football, and teaching physical education, health, and drivers education for many years. A gentle giant with a stern but caring voice, the students on the team and in the classroom took him like a favorite uncle who had great wisdom to share. They also were drawn to him because he wielded a mighty keen sense of humor that revealed his true character, which most certainly did combine fun and games.

–And, why the patch of blue in his name no the quilt square? It was his favorite color, you see, which comes in handy since those of us who loved tank can think of him every day when we look up to a sea of endless blue sky.