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The Power of One

Click to learn how one individual can save the lives of many. Your role with Gift of Life Donor Program will help save lives.

About Gift of Life Donor Program

Since 1974, Gift of Life has coordinated tens of thousands of organs for transplantation and millions of life-enhancing tissue transplants. We continue to work tirelessly so that one day no one will die waiting for an organ transplant.

Gift of Life Overview

For years Gift of Life has led the way for organ and tissue donation and transplantation in the U.S. and made a great impact worldwide.

Committed to Community

Working with schools, houses of worship, and partner organizations allows Gift of Life to be involved in the community in many ways. Plus, we have lots of fun special events.

Partnering with Hospitals

Successful organ and tissue donation depends on hospitals that identity, refer, and care for patients and their families. We are honored to feature stories of hospital achievements.

The People We Serve

The gift of organ and tissue donation can change someone's life and rewrite their story. Here, donor families, transplant recipients and others share inspiring stories about how donation and transplant transforms lives.

Thankful for the Gift of Sight

Cornea Recipient

The gift of sight has given Cameron Whittle the freedom and independence to get his driver’s license, start college and even win a gold medal in a national athletic competition. Cam’s story reveals the transformative power of a cornea transplant.

Cynthia London, Celebrating 22 Years of Service

Donor Family

Gift of Life is celebrating the contributions of volunteer ambassador, board member, and donor mom Cynthia London. Cynthia became connected with Gift of Life 22 years ago when her son Sipho became an organ donor.

Life After Loss: Anthony’s Story

donor family

Donor Mom, Melanie Penna, shares the story of her son Anthony, who in his passing gave the gift of life to others. His legacy lives on in the hearts of those who loved him and now even those who never knew him.

Leading the Way in Organ Donation

Gift of Life Donor Program is the leading organ procurement organization (OPO) in the United States. We work with more than 100 acute care hospitals and 12 transplant centers within our region to save lives through organ and tissue donation.

Who Can Donate?

Anyone can be a registered organ and tissue donor. There are no barriers based on age, race or religion when registering to save lives!

Our Impact in 2024

Organ Donors
Organs Transplanted
Musculoskeletal Donors
Cornea Donors