Community Outreach
There are so many ways to partner with Gift of Life Donor Program to bring organ and tissue donor awareness to your organization.
Learn more about ways to get involved and join the many dedicated partners across our region.

Help Sign Up 50,000 More Organ Donors to Save More Lives
In honor of Gift of Life’s 50 years of saving lives, we have launched our “50,000 for 50” campaign to help register 50,000 more organ donors and provide hope to the thousands waiting for a transplant! As community partners, YOU are an essential part of this critically important effort to increase the donor registry and save more lives. We invite you to champion this important mission in your community with the resources provided in the following toolkit. This easy guide features information and action steps to enhance the overall health, vitality and productivity of our community.
Toolkit table of contents
Talking Points and Overall Campaign Messages
Sample Blog Post or Newsletter Article
Schools Programs & Student Education
Gift of Life offers education programs to provide students and educators information about organ and tissue donation.
High schools and colleges are encouraged to share information on organ and tissue donation with their students. Below are suggestions for engaging students and providing them with information about donation. Gift of Life can assist you by providing materials, giveaways, and speakers for your events. Every personal story shared with others about organ and tissue donation helps to make a difference in the lives of others and encourage individuals to register.
Get involved
- Gift of Life can provide speakers to share their story at events throughout our region. Click here to request a speaker for your event.
- Start a Gift of Life Club at your school to raise awareness about organ and tissue donation. Adopt organ donation as a special cause for your organization. Continue to promote organ donation throughout the year at all of your events. Gift of Life can help you with the process.
- Invite a guest speaker to discuss organ and tissue donation at a club or organizational meeting.
- Health fairs and other community events are a great place to promote organ and tissue donation. Gift of Life will provide educational materials for tabling events for the general public.
- Recognize April as National Donate Life Month- an excellent time to raise awareness through holding assemblies, distributing flyers, and having events.
- Create a team to participate in the Gift of Life Donor Dash in April.
- Encourage students needing volunteer hours to contact Gift of Life and offer to spend time working at Gift of Life or Gift of Life Howie’s House.
- Sign up to volunteer with Gift of Life and raise awareness in your community!
To schedule a program at your school, or to discuss incorporating any of these programs, please contact the Community Outreach team by calling 1-800-DONORS-1 or emailing
High School Programs and Resources
Gift of Life Donor Program encourages high school teachers to become involved in sharing information on organ and tissue donation with their students. We have gathered some great suggestions for engaging students and providing them with the information necessary to make an informed decision about donation.
Find resources for high school educators.
College Programs
Gift of Life also works with area colleges to educate students about organ and tissue donation. Any college class, organization, or club looking to partner with a non-profit on campus can contact us to request materials, speakers, and more. College PRSSA chapters can also find opportunities to participate in local and national competitions through Gift of Life.
Find more information for college involvement with Gift of Life.
Faith-Based Programs
Unfortunately, many people decide not to register as an organ donor because they believe it is against their religion. No major organized religion objects to organ and tissue donation. Share the life-saving power of organ and tissue donation with your house of worship.
Find ways to raise awareness in your house of worship.
Speakers Bureau & Health Fairs
Every personal story shared with others about organ and tissue donation helps to make a difference in the lives of others and encourage individuals to register. Gift of Life can provide speakers to share their story at events throughout our region. Click here to request a speaker for your event.
Health fairs and other community events are the perfect place to promote organ and tissue donation. Gift of Life will provide educational materials for tabling events for the general public. Click here to order materials.
Learn more about volunteering with Gift of Life and raising awareness in your community.
Community Advisory Board
Gift of Life is establishing a regional Community Advisory Board, composed of a volunteer group of local leaders, stakeholders and Philadelphia residents that meets at least quarterly to advise and make recommendations to Gift of Life on ways to effectively address barriers to donation.
Learn more about the Community Advisory Board and how to get involved!
Signature Events
Our signature events play an active role in helping to support the Gift of Life mission. Annually, we host the Donor Dash walk and run as well as THE Party to raise funds for educational outreach efforts.
Learn more about these events and sign up to participate!
View our Events Calendar to find a Community Outreach event near you!