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Bangor man saves 6 lives

BANGOR, Pa. – You go to the barber shop for something new.

A new look, or a fresh cut, or in 23-year-old Michael Debiase’s case, a fresh start at Platinum Cutz in Bangor, where the owner hired him as an apprentice.

“He loved it here,” says Lisa Rigione, Mike’s mom.

We met Lisa at the shop, and she told us about the fresh start Mike gave six people.

Not a haircut – something that will last much longer.

“There’s no greater gift than to save somebody’s life. How many people can say they saved six lives?” Lisa asks.

A few years ago, Mike didn’t wake up for work.

Rushed to the hospital, the doctors said he was bleeding in his brain.

Lisa recalls the nurse asking her questions: “Was he in an accident, did he fall, did he hit his head? And I said, ‘no, not that we’re aware of’,” Lisa says and then adds, “And I said, should I start calling family. She said if I was you, I would.”

Read the full article here.

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