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Giving someone a second chance at life

India Lamar, center. Courtesy of Al Dia.

Four years ago India Lamar, of Northeast Philadelphia, received a phone call. Her son Peter had been shot.

“It was the worst day of my life,” she said. “But it was a blessing, not in the way that he was shot, but that he was brought here (to Temple). I can never thank them, they hold a special place in my heart.”

Lamar’s son spent eight days at Temple University Hospital (TUH). He died 10 days after his 26th birthday.

“My son was a loving person,” said Lamar. “He was always there for people. He always tried to help people.”

That is why, when Lamar was presented the option to donate her son’s organs, she said yes.

“I know this is something that he would have done,” said Lamar. “No matter what, he was there. No matter who it was, he was there. He was always there.”

According to Lamar, at least three people were given the chance of a new life thanks to the selfless act.

Learn more about the life-saving power of organ donation in the full article.

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