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Match Made in Heaven: Virtua Nurse to Donate Kidney to Husband

CHERRY HILL, N.J. – April is Organ Donor Awareness Month and one Camden County couple is counting its blessings before going under the knife on Wednesday morning, April, 19th for a transplant procedure.

It’s been over two decades since Bert Fox received the call that he was finally getting a liver transplant.

“My kidneys are failing now and more than likely it’s because of the anti-rejection medicine,” says Bert Fox.

But lucky for him, his perfect match in life just happens to be his perfect match for the transplant.

“I said, ‘That’s it, I’ll give you my kidney.’ I’m O positive he’s A positive. He said, ‘You don’t know if we’ll be a match,’ and I said, ‘You don’t know that we won’t,’” says his wife Angel Fox.

His angel in disguise was right and after months of tests, the Virtua nurse and her husband are now ready to finally have surgery.

“I was worried about her at first,” says Bert Fox. “But, it gives me a chance to move [on] with my life and spend more time with her and our grand kids and my son. That’s what I live for.”

Read the full story here.

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