Return Home > Middletown resident donates kidney, helps save his brother’s life; Podoletz honored at ceremony

Middletown resident donates kidney, helps save his brother’s life; Podoletz honored at ceremony

Nicholas Podoletz watched at least a dozen people die who he had gotten to know during his four years undergoing kidney dialysis treatments.

One, a 33-year old woman, Podoletz remembers “chit-chatting away with for four hours.”

“That’s not a pretty sight my friend, not a pretty sight,” he said.

But Podoletz, 63, no longer needs kidney dialysis, thanks to his younger brother, Jeffrey, of Middletown, who donated a kidney to Nicholas in June. Nicholas struggled with high blood pressure and diabetes, which made the donation necessary.

Jeffrey, 61, who lives in Pineford, was recognized for his donation Feb. 22 during the annual Living Donor Recognition Ceremony “Gifts of Life, Acts of Love,” held in King of Prussia by the Gift of Life Donor Program. Jeffrey is among 40 pairs of donors and recipients from the region who were celebrated at the event.

Read the full article here!

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