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New Jersey Woman Remembers Loving Husband this Christmas

Domenique Transue and her two young sons remember their beloved husband/father around the holidays. He gave the gift of life in his passing.

This holiday season, many people will gather around the dinner table for Christmas celebrations – eating, drinking, opening gifts and feeling grateful for the loved ones in their life.  Sadly, not everyone is fortunate enough to be able to enjoy the holidays with the people that they love.  For Atlantic City, NJ resident, Dominique Transue, this is a fact that she has been faced with since 2012, when her husband passed away suddenly from an undetected heart problem.

Dominique’s husband, Dave, was a man who got along with everyone.  He was a great father to his two sons and a loving husband.  He loved the outdoors and enjoyed going fishing in many of South Jersey’s lakes and streams.  He had many friends and had a talent for karaoke, excelling at both rock and country hits.

Just three days before Christmas, Dave’s heart failed while he was working. He did heating and air conditioning work, and was trying to fix a family’s heating system so they could get back into their home before the holidays.  “That’s how he was.” said Dominique.  “He always had such a big heart and would help anyone.”

“When we were approached by Gift of Life about donation, it was a no brainer for me.  Dave was able to help a lot of people through being a tissue and cornea donor.  I’ve received letters from people who said that their lives have been helped and changed because of him.  The letters are so special to me.  I know that this is what Dave would have wanted – to keep helping people.” she said.

Dave and Dominique’s son, Logan, 7, and Dominique’s stepson, Ryan, 14, have so many amazing memories that they shared together.  The family took annual trips to Busch Gardens, Sesame Place and New York during Christmas to see the tree.  “Eight months before Dave died, we were able to go to Disney as a family.  We were determined to always make the most out of every moment.” said Dominique.  “Every place that we visited, we would buy an ornament.  It’s difficult to put up the Christmas tree now and see all of the ornaments.” she said.

“We also remember Dave every year on December 22nd with a balloon release in Galloway, NJ with friends and family.  He was everyone’s person and was a friend to everybody.  Usually about 30 people release balloons and share memories with us.” Dominique said.

Dominique proudly wears her green organ and tissue donation bracelet every day, and openly shares her story about Dave and about how donation has brought comfort to her and her family’s life.  “Donation brings a sense of healing that I didn’t know was possible.” she said.  “Through it, we are able to keep going – and Dave is able to live on through others.

4 comments on "New Jersey Woman Remembers Loving Husband this Christmas"

  1. Rosemarie Perri says:

    Dave was our son-on-law, loving husband to our daughter, Dominique, father to Logan and Ryan. To say he was a helper is an understatement. They moved in with Pop and Grandmom “Palmo” becoming the chief cook and helper. His love for his family is still seen today as Dominique, Logan and Ryan continue to share their hearts and love to others who are hurting. The gift of organ donations was just one more way Dave continued today help..Dominique is a strong woman, but in need of prayers and love to keep up her spirits as we go through another season of loss…Love you Dom..Dad and Rose

  2. Ann LaCoss says:

    Dave was my grandson, I knew him well as a young boy, a happy smiling child. We used to together to Mickie D’s for lunch. We spent many happy hours on the boardwalk, on the rides, eating popcorn always having fun.
    I did not see David again until he was a father of Ryan, I had gone to St. Croix, USVI where in 1990 I remarried. We moved to NH which made it difficult to make the trip to see him and his family. I will always remember him as that happy smiling child giving me a big hug and a kiss.
    I was heart broken to hear he had passed away…a young life cut short. You will always be remembered David. Love you, Grandma Ann.

  3. K Yurkevicz says:

    One thing I’ve learned from knowing Dominique is that you should be glad with today. You never know what tomorrow will bring. Always look for the rainbow. When Dominique gave birth to her beautiful baby boy Logan we almost lost her. She’s had many difficult health issues due to that situation, frequently having hospital stays. And yet she always has a smile and kind word for everyone. The loss of her husband must be insurmountable and yet her beautiful smile radiates in many of the friends and family photos here on Facebook.
    May Dave’s legacy in Ryan, Logan and Dominique carry them through the difficult times. His smile lives in all of you!

  4. Jacki Lugg says:

    I feel like I met Dominique in the Urgent Care waiting room in Galloway and she told me this story because we were talking about our kids and Disney World. Such a sad story that has the most positive outcome. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

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