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Parents Who Lost Son Hear His Heart Beat in Recipient’s Chest at Transplant Games

Courtesy of Jim Melwert, CBS Philly.

CLEVELAND, OH – They may be called the Transplant Games, but it’s so much more than competition.

That was evident over the weekend when a heart recipient with Team Philly met the family of the man who donated his heart.

Todd Stickel will celebrate three years with his new heart over the July Fourth weekend.

“As thankful as possible can be for giving me my second chance on life, allowing me to spend more time with my family,” he says.

Todd’s heart comes from Phillip Malone, Jr. — a 38-year-old who drowned while swimming at an Ohio lake. His parents, Phil Sr. and Janice Malone, say it was an incredibly special moment to listen to their son’s heart beating in Todd’s chest.

Read the full article about these families here.

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