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Healthcare Partners

We thank our healthcare partners for collaborating with us to provide families of potential organ and tissue donors the best end-of-life care possible and expert support and guidance so each family is able to make a fully informed, timely donation decision that will prove enduring for their family and their loved oneโ€™s legacy.

Gift of Life Donor Program is committed to providing comprehensive education for our regionโ€™s healthcare partners. Itโ€™s important that you feel prepared to participate in your role in the donation process.

Staff from the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania attend Gift of Life's Donation Champion Learning Session.
Staff from the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania attend Gift of Life’s Donation Champion Learning Session.
Donation Champion Learning Sessions

Gift of Life Donor Program has developed a one-day learning session to train and equip healthcare providers who are interested in improving their hospital’s organ donation system. This one-day workshop is a fast-paced and highly interactive session. Participants are asked to assess their unit’s/hospital’s current donation processes and are charged with “Leaving in Action” so that a collaborative and coordinated effort is in place for offering families a donation opportunity. FREE CEUs are available for Nurses and Respiratory Therapists.

Find an upcoming session and sign up!

HAP Challenge Resources

The Hospital and Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania (HAP) has partnered with the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the two organ procurement organizations (OPOs) serving Pennsylvania โ€” Gift of Life Donor Program and the Center for Organ Recovery & Education โ€” to support HAPโ€™s Donate Life Hospital Challenge. Hospital teams record clinical and community education events on a customized scorecard to capture activities for improving the clinical process and increasing donor designations. Hospitals will be acknowledged for their efforts by HAP and the OPOs for achieving Titanium, Platinum, Gold, Silver, or Bronze awards.

Find resources to implement the HAP Challenge at  your hospital.

National Donate Life Month Campaign

Join Gift of Life to celebrate National Donate Life Month each April and share the power of organ and tissue donation with your community! We have an array of resources available so that every hospital can participate in this major observance that raises awareness about the importance of donation, encourages everyone to register as an organ, tissue and cornea donor and honors those who have saved and healed lives through donation.

Find resources to celebrate National Donate Life Month at your hospital.

Organ Donation and Transplantation Summit

Gift of Life Donor Programโ€™sย Organ Donation and Transplantation Summitย is a regional collaboration with healthcare professionals aimed at improving outcomes. Attendees can receive free CMEs/CEUs. Please join us onย Tuesday, April 1, 2025 from 12 noon โ€“ 5PM atย Sheraton Valley Forge in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania.

Learn more and register

Advocates in Action

As we honor Gift of Lifeโ€™s 50 years of service, we are pleased to announce a new recognition program to celebrate the most dedicated โ€œAdvocates in Actionโ€ nominated by our hospital partners.

Learn more and see who has been recognized

Help Sign Up 50,000 More Organ Donors to Save More Lives

In honor of Gift of Lifeโ€™s 50 years of saving lives, we have launched our โ€œ50,000 for 50โ€ campaign to help register 50,000 more organ donors and provide hope to the thousands waiting for a transplant! As hospital partners, YOU are an essential part of this critically important effort to increase the donor registry and save more lives. We invite you to champion this important mission in your hospital with the resources provided in the following toolkit. This easy guide features information and action steps to engage your hospital community in this life-saving mission.

Toolkit table of contents

Toolkit Overview

Talking Points & Overall Campaign Messages

Take Action

Social Media

Sample Blog Post or Newsletter Article

Sample Press Release

Essential Information

View and download Toolkit

Grief Support and Education

Gift of Life Donor Program’s Family Support Services department is comprised of Master’s-level mental health professionals specializing in helping donor families through the loss of a loved one. Our team is committed to providing care and support to the community, including hospital partners, and have presented on topics such as compassion fatigue, survivor’s guilt and grief awareness. To learn more about having someone from our Family Support Services team speak to your organization, email

View past grief support and education webinars.

Brain Death Communication Training For Residents

This course enables residents to gain the knowledge, skills and confidence for having conversations with donor families about brain death and grave prognosis. It includes a simulation where participants practice their communication skills while receiving coaching and immediate feedback. The training is offered free of charge by Gift of Life Donor Program staff at your hospital.

Learn more about Resident Training.

Hospital Training Opportunities

On-demand educational opportunities include in-services, lunch-and-learns, case debriefings, medical academic forums, resident conferences, physician forums, nursing forums, committees and councils (for example, ethics, critical care, quality/PI, social work/palliative medicine, etc.).

Learn more about Hospital Training.

Grant Program

Gift of Life Donor Program, and its non-profit affiliate, Gift of Life Transplant Foundation are committed to supporting the advancement of donation and transplantation practices as well as innovative programs to support transplant patients (and their caregivers/families) receiving care at the Transplant Centers throughout the entire Gift of Life donation service area.  See our Grant Program opportunities below and click through to learn more about each.

Learn more about the Transplant Foundation grant Opportunities. 

National Minority Donor Awareness Month Resources

National Minority Donor Awareness Month (NMDAM) is celebrated throughout August to raise awareness among communities of color, which make up more than half of the 100,000 people on the national transplant waitlist. Join Gift of Life to help increase donor registrations and build a positive culture of organ, tissue and cornea donation in all communities. Together, we can save more lives!

Find resources to promote NMDAM at your hospital

Our e-newsletter for hospitals

Developed specifically for our healthcare partners, our Hospital eNews provides information on optimal donation practices and transplant innovations. It also includes details about the work our healthcare partners do to support organ donation and transplantation.

To help you remain close to the stories of patients and families, there is a special section devoted to profiles of those whose lives have been impacted by organ and tissue donation.

Read the latest Hospital e-newsletter

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