Advocates in Action
Gift of Life is proud to work with dedicated hospital partners that make organ donation and transplantation possible.

Gift of Life and our hospital partners share a joint mission to save lives through organ donation. As we honor Gift of Life’s 50 years of service, we are pleased to announce a new recognition program to celebrate the most dedicated “Advocates in Action” nominated by our hospital partners. These individuals are being recognized for their extraordinary support and commitment to advancing a culture of donation.
Read more about these committed donation advocates below.

Deborah Artley, RN
Cardiac ICU Nurse
Geisinger Medical Center
As a nurse in the Cardiac ICU at Geisinger Medical Center, Deb Artley has consistently gone above and beyond her routine responsibilities to improve the hospital’s collaboration with Gift of Life Donor Program. Deb’s insight and leadership have been instrumental in implementing changes that have made a lasting impact on the hospital’s organ donation processes. Her suggestions have led to streamlined protocols that ensure more efficient referrals and better outcomes for patients and families during such critical moments. In addition to her hands-on role in the ICU, Deb serves as a committee leader on Geisinger’s Donation Council.
Beyond her hospital, Deb has taken her advocacy to the next level by co-founding a regional donation collaborative. This collaborative brings together nurses and physicians from all institutions within central Pennsylvania, working closely with Gift of Life Donor Program to elevate donation outcomes across the region.
Jennifer Axelband, DO
Associate Medical Director, Medical Critical Care Education
St. Luke’s University Health Network
Dr. Jennifer Axelband has a deep understanding of the critical importance of organ donation in saving lives and has consistently demonstrated leadership in promoting these efforts within St. Luke’s University Health Network. Her ability to engage colleagues and donor families with compassion has been instrumental in raising awareness about the life-saving impact of organ donation.
Through her leadership, she has created a culture of donation, ensuring that patients and their families are well-informed and empowered to make decisions about organ and tissue donation. Her commitment goes beyond her colleagues and extends to Gift of Life Donor Program as a physician advocate who helps to facilitate a strong, system-wide culture of support for organ donors and their families.
Brette Barrish, RN
Einstein Medical Center
Brette Barrish has embraced her role as a donation champion on the MICU at Einstein Medical Center. Brette said YES when asked to be part of a committee focused on improving the donation process at her hospital and increasing the number of people who receive life-saving kidney transplants.
Brette offered to create tools that could be used to educate her fellow nurses so they would be more comfortable in their role supporting patients and families through the donation process. She routinely partners with Gift of Life and is organizing a team to cook at Gift of Life Howie’s House.
Lynn Burcaw-Miles (middle, holding trophy), RN
Adjunct Instructor, Drexel, HAP Chair
St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children
Lynn Burcaw-Miles is a staunch supporter of organ donation. As a senior nurse leader on the PICU at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children she is constantly reminding her team about partnering with Gift of Life Donor Program. Lynn ignites a wonderful energy throughout the hospital, cultivating a culture that supports donation. She works hard to ensure that the donation opportunity is given to each and every family.
Lynn has led the HAP hospital committee the last 3 years and has done an amazing job recruiting committee members. Her efforts in April include providing education to critical care staff, honoring donors and families, and celebrating transplant recipients.
Pictured above, from left: Tyler Shugarts Vice President, Chief Transformation Officer; Diana Colonna, Nursing Director, Critical Care Unit; Becky Malfara, PICU Social Worker; Abby Miller, PICU RN; Lynn Burcaw-Miles, RN, Adjunct Instructor, Drexel, HAP Chair; Sarah Higgins, Gift of Life Donor Program Hospital Services Coordinator, Doug Thompson, Chief Medical Officer; Claire Alminde Chief Nursing Officer; Heather Lavella, Nursing Director
John Chandler, MD
Neuro ICU Medical Director
Penn Presbyterian Medical Center
As the Medical Director of the Neuro ICU at Penn Presbyterian Medical Center, Dr. John Chandler collaborates with Gift of Life Donor Program staff to ensure that no opportunity for donation is overlooked. He is a trusted resource for his colleagues; offering guidance and expertise while fostering a culture of compassion and excellence.
It is because of his unwavering dedication to supporting patients and their families during some of the most challenging moments of their lives that we recognize Dr. Chandler.
Chris Costello, RN, ICU
ICU Nurse
Jefferson Torresdale Hospital
Over the last decade, Chris Costello has partnered with Gift of Life to support his colleagues at Jefferson Torresdale Hospital and beyond. He routinely mentors nurse orientees in the ICU to ensure they are familiar with their role in the donation process. Chris has been a member of the Jefferson Northeast Hospital Council where he shares best practices and helps identify areas for improvement. He has participated on the Expert Panel at Gift of Life’s Donation Champion Learning sessions sharing his experience caring for critically ill patients and their families.
Additionally, his leadership and advocacy were critical to the donor memorial installed at the hospital in 2019. This unique memorial remembers patients who donated life-saving organs and tissues.
Lisa Day, RN
Beebe Healthcare
Lisa has been an advocate for donation for several years. As a donor family member, she wants to ensure all families are given the opportunity to create a legacy for their loved one.
In her previous position she was part of the committee which organized activities during April to celebrate National Donate Life Month. Now, in her role in the Quality Department at Beebe Healthcare she partnered with Gift of Life to create the hospital’s first donation council. She recruited her peers to join the council to share their experiences and identify opportunities to educate staff throughout the hospital.
Joe DiMartino, MSN, RN
Associate Vice President of Nursing
Temple University Hospital
Joe is a champion for donation at Temple University Hospital. In his role as AVP of Nursing, Joe co-chairs the hospital’s Organ Donation Council. Under his leadership, the council meets monthly to discuss and improve the donation process for families and staff.
He is also the co-founder of the Council’s Subcommittee on Community Engagement. Over the last year, he has taken his advocacy to the next level working to dispel fears and misconceptions in the community of North Philadelphia. In partnership with Gift of Life Donor Program, Joe worked to create an educational program that brings together members of the community, Temple staff, and Gift of Life representatives to have open and honest conversations about the life saving impact of donation and transplantation.
Hannah Egnaczyk, BSN, RN, CEN
Emergency Department Nurse
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
In her role as an emergency nurse at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Hannah Egnaczyk consistently goes above and beyond her routine responsibilities in the busy emergency department (ED) to improve the team’s collaboration with Gift of Life Donor Program. Over the last year, Hannah has partnered with Gift of Life to conduct education with her peers at ED unit meetings and create awareness of the important role ED staff have in organ and tissue donation.
When Hannah learned about the Gift of Life Howie’s House Stuff the Shuttle program, she immediately started to recruit her Jefferson Health colleagues. The ED team’s efforts resulted in a huge donation of essential items for the guests staying at Howie’s House.
Melissa Hauser-Donia, MSN, RN, CEN, TCRN
Emergency Department Manager
Jefferson Frankford Hospital
Melissa Hauser-Donia exhibits her advocacy for donation with a focus on education and supporting her staff. As the manager of the emergency department at Jefferson Frankford Hospital she ensures her staff are aware of the process to contact Gift of Life. She invites Gift of Life to the unit to provide on-going education.
Melissa is also a regular participant at Gift of Life programming. She has attended every Donation & Transplantation Summit so that she can stay current on best practices as well as the innovations that will help save more lives through transplantation. She encourages her team members to attend the Donation Champion Learning sessions so they can hear directly from patient and families touched by this process.
Elaina Kurtz, RN
ICU/NSICU Director
Crozer-Chester Medical Center
Elaina Kurtz is valued by her peers at Crozer Health for her expertise and knowledge. She is also valued by her Gift of Life Donor Program colleagues for her willingness to proactively support the donation process. Elaina works with Gift of Life to provide education for nursing staff, liaise with physicians, and review policies and procedures so they align with providing exceptional patient and family care.
Elaina is a member of Crozer’s Donation Committee and helps identify areas for improvement in the hospital’s donation process. She is diligent in her commitment to ensure that the donation opportunity is afford to all families.
Jeff Lange, MPA
Delaware County Office of the Medical Examiner
As the Administrator for the Delaware County Medical Examiner’s Office, Jeff Lange is a true champion for donation. Under his leadership, his office has ensured that every family’s opportunity for donation has been fulfilled — his office works with Gift of Life Donor Program and has authorized every tissue and organ recovery opportunity in Delaware County.
Every month Jeff publishes statistics on his website, sharing with the public valuable information about Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation. By sharing this information, Jeff demonstrates how the Medical Examiners Office is committed to helping our community through education and advocacy.
Lawrence Matthews, MD
Critical Care Medicine
Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center
Lawrence Matthews, MD, is a dedicated and passionate advocate for organ donation. During the donation process, Dr. Matthews will maintain an open line of communication with Gift of Life Donor Program transplant coordinators, ensuring that vital information is communicated to the team.
He will go above and beyond to help facilitate donation at Geisinger Wyoming Valley. At times, Dr. Matthews has stayed after his shift to help support families during this difficult time. He supports the Gift of Life team, introducing the Gift of Life Donor Program transplant coordinators through a collaborative approach. In addition, Dr. Matthews makes himself available to new physicians and residents to share his knowledge of the donation process.
Doris Novelli, BSN, RN
Patient Care Services Coordinator
Jefferson Frankford Hospital
In her role as a Patient Care Services Coordinator at Jefferson Frankford Hospital, Doris Novelli has been an active member of the hospital’s Organ Donation Council and contributor to the Hospital and Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania campaign to increase organ donation awareness and designations within hospitals and communities.
Doris’ success is due in part to her creative efforts to spark conversation about organ donation through tabling events, one in particular, drawing attention with a beautiful, hand-crafted cake of organs.
Doris champions donation with open conversations addressing the needs of the community she and her colleagues serve, resulting in several staff registering as organ donors. You can become a registered organ donor too!
Marianne Rupchis, MSN, RN
Clinical Educator
Commonwealth Health Wilkes-Barre General Hospital
In her role as Clinical Educator at Commonwealth Health Wilkes Barre General Hospital, Marianne Rupchis, has been an advocate for organ donation for years. In addition to being a leader of the hospital’s Organ Donation Council, Marianne also prioritizes educating new nurses on the donation process during their orientation – even scheduling formal classroom time with Gift of Life Donor Program.
Marianne is an integral part of her hospital’s National Donate Life Campaign. On National Donor Day, every February, Marianne does not miss an opportunity to raise awareness on the importance of organ donation and encourages everyone to register to be an organ donor.
As a trusted resource, Marianne always makes herself available to Gift of Life, whether it be for an introduction to a colleague or physician, or for a question about hospital process. It is a joy to collaborate with Marianne and we are grateful for your many years of dedication to organ donation. Please join us in thanking Marianne for being an Advocate in Action.
Heidi Seiberlich, MPA
Director of Emergency Critical Care Services
Jefferson Abington Hospital
As the Director of Emergency Critical Care Services, Heidi Seiberlich empowers nurses to be actively involved in the donation process. She understands the critical role that nurses play in ensuring families and patients are given the opportunity to have donation as part of their legacy.
Heidi has taken an active role in supporting efforts during National Donate Life Month to promote donation at Jefferson Abington Hospital. In particular, she has organized the annual flag raising which is attended by hospital leadership, members of the critical care teams, and Gift of Life Donor Program staff and Volunteer Ambassadors.
Liz Serratore, BSN, RN
MICU Clinical Education Specialist
St. Luke’s University Hospital – Bethlehem Campus
Liz Serratore is a committed and tireless advocate for donation both on her unit, St. Luke’s Bethlehem MICU, and the entire St. Luke’s University Health Network. In her role as the MICU Clinical Education Specialist, Liz exemplifies advocacy for donation by identifying educational opportunities for her staff, facilitating organ referrals on her unit, coordinating case reviews, and identifying areas in which our teams can collaborate. She leads the St. Luke’s University Health Network Donation Council and helps coordinate case reviews for the Bethlehem campus.
All of Liz’s work is done with her patients and their families in mind.
Additionally, Liz played a fundamental role in the organization of the first Donate Life Month celebration at St. Luke’s Bethlehem since prior to the pandemic. This celebration included stories from donor families and transplant recipients and was attended by hospital staff from throughout the network. This event honored organ donors and their families and celebrated the lives that have been saved by organ donation.
Jordyn Shoemaker, RN
Pottstown Hospital
Jordyn Shoemaker is a champion for families and donation at Pottstown Hospital. She plays a critical role co-leading the hospital’s Donation Council which held the inaugural meeting this past April. Jordyn routinely attends programming offered by Gift of Life Donor Program. She fosters a culture of donation and is a model for her peers.
In 2024, Jordyn was part of the committee that supported the Hospital Association of Pennsylvania’s hospital challenge. She organized educational programming and awareness efforts throughout the hospital. Ultimately, she helped the hospital earn Platinum level recognition.
Kevin Shovlin, RN, MBA
Trauma Program Manager
York Hospital
In addition to his role as Trauma Program Manager at York Hospital, Kevin Shovlin serves as the Gift of Life Donation Champion. He works closely with Gift of Life staff to address all donation related matters across the Wellspan Health System. He is instrumental in making donation a seamless process for all hospital staff while supporting patients and their families.
Kevin spearheads the annual HAP Donate Life Campaign. Each year he works with Gift of Life to create new and innovative way to provide education to the staff, improving knowledge and understanding of donation across the network. He also works with our surrounding communities to share the impact of donation with our region.
Maureen Smith, MSN, RN, CNRN
Patient Care Specialist
Lehigh Valley Health Network – Cedar Crest
Maureen Smith, Patient Care Specialist at Lehigh Valley Health Network Cedar Crest, works tirelessly to support the patients and families in the community through her advocacy for organ donation. As a dedicated donation champion, Maureen continually looks for educational opportunities for the staff she supports.
She helps to lead the hospital’s quarterly Donation Council meetings with Gift of Life Donor Program, ensuring the highest attendance and most thoughtful conversations about donation activity in order to seek out new ways to improve collaboration with us.
Adam Stone, RN
Inspira Health
Adam partnered with Gift of Life Donor Program to organize and lead the first donation council meeting for Inspira Health. He openly shared his personal connection to donation and transplantation. As a leader, he encourages staff to attend Gift of Life programming to learn more about their role in the donation process. He is available to assist and partner with Gift of Life staff to ensure that the donation process can unfold for patients and families.
Adam has been a participant in Gift of Life Donation Champion learning sessions as part of the expert panel sharing his experience, expertise and best practices in the donation process. He is responsible for the implementation of a “Hero Walk” on all 3 ICUs to support donor families. He also coordinated a Stuff the Shuttle event to support Gift of Life Howie’s House.
Heidi Weeder, RN, CCRN, EMT
Senior Clinician, Intensive Care Unit
UPMC Williamsport
Heidi, pictured on the left with Gift of Life Hospital Services Coordinator Christina Sarge, exemplifies outstanding advocacy for donation through her unwavering commitment to organ donors and their families. As a donation champion, she goes above and beyond by leading the donation council of her campus with exceptional dedication.
Her role involves spearheading initiatives as well as meticulously planning events throughout the year. This includes leading the charge for her hospital during the Donate Life HAP Challenge. Heidi’s advocacy fosters a culture of donation both in the hospital and her community.