2025 National Donate Life Month Campaign: New Jersey and Delaware Healthcare Partners

National Donate Life Month is held every April to raise awareness of the critical need for donors and encourage everyone to register as an organ, tissue and cornea donor. Use the resources below to share the life-saving message that donors are heroes and inspire more people to sign up.
Images & Video Clips
Images can be viewed and downloaded in various sizes and formats. Video clips for social posts and other short video needs can be downloaded. Scroll down to the bottom of the page for longer, featured video content.
Newsletter Article:
Press Release Template:
GLDP NDLM Press Release Template
Sample PSAs:
GLDP NDLM Sample Public Service Announcements 2025
Social Media Posts:
GLDP NDLM Social Media Posts 2025
Featured Story:
More than 100,000 people in the U.S. need a transplant to survive. Every day, 17 die waiting. The profound ripple effect of a single organ donor hero extends far beyond each life they save. Meet an EMT, a surgeon and an operating room assistant who, as organ recipients, are able to continue caring for countless others thanks to the power of donation and transplantation.
Gift of Life Video – An introduction video to Gift of Life Donor Program.
“It Took a Simple Yes to Save Their Lives”: Markita’s Story – When Markita said yes to organ donation, she found comfort knowing that her son Marquis would give others a second chance at life.
One Family — Many Gifts: Rafiah’s story – A liver transplant gave Rafiah Cheeks a second chance at life. He and his family are so grateful to his donor hero and their family. When their mother died, they donated her tissue and corneas, giving others the gift of life.
The Transformative Power of Tissue Donation: Carrie’s Story – After being diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder, Carrie received the gift of donated tendon grafts in her shoulders that allowed her to live a normal life.
The Heart of a Champion: Derek’s Story – Derek Fitzgerald is the first cancer survivor and heart transplant recipient to complete a full Ironman competition. He gives all praise to the hero organ donor who saved his life.