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Laura E. Pattinson

When you look at Laura’s quilt patch you probably see a smiling girl with a gleam in her eye. What we see is the face of hope. When Laura was born she was our hope for the future. She was the first child, and the first grandchild on both sides of the family. As she grew from a beautiful baby to a giggling yet confident teenager she embraced life with eagerness, curiosity and passion. Laura was a very “giving” person. She gave her time, her talents, and unconditional love.

Our daughter had a stronger belief in her Lutheran faith, and she was a Girl Scout, a member of the National Honor Society, the Junior Classical League and the High School Band. Her favorite color was purple and she loved music, eagles, and life.

When Laura was born she taught us about life, as she grew she taught us about living, and ultimately she taught us about death and grieving.

It is now our hope that with the donation of Laura’s corneas, bone and skin tissues, her spirit of giving lives on in others. She would be glad to know that she had helped someone. We know this for a fact because to have the organ designation on her license when she turned seventeen.

You see a smiling girl with a gleam in her eye. We see the face of hope.

Karen and Roland Pattinson