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Nicholas Christopher Sayles

Top Ten Signs Nicholas Sayles has Touched your Life

Number TEN: You begin to feel insecure telling people you have received only a Master's degree.

Number NINE: Every Saturday morning, you unwittingly find yourself dressing up in blue and yellow, and have unexplained recurring nightmares about Ohio State.

Number EIGHT: You are well aware of which state in the union does not want to be "Messed With".

Number SEVEN: After meeting Nick, your parents haven't stopped commenting on your manners, or lack thereof.

Number SIX: You firmly believe in three square a day – breakfast, lunch, and Pearl Jam.

Number FIVE: You are beginning to think that Pugs might actually be kind of cute.

Number FOUR: If you were suddenly given three wishes, your first thought would be how you were going to make room in the driveway for three Corvettes.

Number THREE: You think somehow you sound impressive when you tell people at parties that you have a friend who is an Eagle Scout.

Number TWO: You are beginning to think cowboy boots ARE an acceptable alternative to wingtips.

The number ONE sign that Nick Sayles has touched your life: You have been given a perfect role model for how to be a good son, grandson, friend, brother and husband.

BUT… unlike Nick you haven't called home in months, forgot grannies birthday and spent your last anniversary at the Olive Garden.