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Sonny George Jordan

The quilt patch was made with love from my husband, Michael and myself. It was difficult, and yet a joy to honor Sonny. To me, he was very special gift from God. He was a joyful baby, always with a smile, loved to have people around him. As he grew into manhood he made us proud of him.

He went to Saint Joseph School and then onto Saint Joseph High School, graduated in 1978. Not long after that he went onto gaming school, worked his way up to all casino games and sitting box and floor person at Trump Plaza.

In June 2006, Sonny married Dee, bought a home in Atlantic City and was happy. It was a short marriage and a short stay in his home. I can hear Sonny say, “I did it Mom. That’s what counts.” He died 6 months later. His smile was one of a kind, when he smiled, we all smiled. When he was sad, which wasn’t often we all felt sad. There was so much feeling for people in his heart. When he made mistakes, he always tried to make it better. Sonny always wanted us to be proud of him. We miss it all so much.

The picture on the quilt was the last Christmas that we had together. He truly was a Christmas person, as you can see in the picture. Six days before Christmas 2006, Sonny died. This is our way to honor our son. We thank you for that chance. I hope wherever he is, he feels proud of himself.

To travel with the Gift of Life would be an honor to Sonny. He always wanted to travel. I believe that Sonny loves all this attention. He is and always will be, Our Image of man. We thank you for the beautiful Hearts of Gold Memorial Quilt to honor our son.