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Jesse Patrick Corvin

Jesse Patrick Corvin was born on March 17th, 1986. (Since that time we have called St. Patrick's Day "Jesse Patrick's Day ".) He weighed just under 11 lbs and came early! What a bundle of joy!

He had a big smile that is his trademark throughout his short life. You would always see that big, sweet smile on Jesse's face. He was full of love.
He loved remote control things! Since he was able to talk, he would ask for anything that was "mote twolled ". He has planes, cars and trucks. He loved them all. He had a real talent for rebuilding cars. That was his favorite thing to do. We always had some kind of project car at our home that was in the works!

Jesse had a real love for his family. He was always hugging and kissing everyone…especially the babie ! He loved his baby cousins! Jesse had a big brother, Mike and a sister-in-law, Lindsay. Jesse had just found out the day before his death that he was to be an uncle to a baby boy. That baby arrived Nov. 21, 2006. Michael Patrick Corvin. Jesse loved his little nephew.
He loved his friends. They still come to see him and talk to him.

Jesse was attending UTI, a school for mechanics. He was doing very well there and loved it very much. He looked forward to his graduation and to begin his new career. He was a big dreamer and had lots of plans for his future. Jesse talked of finding a sweet little wife and having lots of little Jesse's. Oh how we miss our baby!

Jesse decided to become an organ donor after the death of his uncle Kevin. He was a generous in his death as he was loving in his life.

In the words of his little cousin, Kendal, " Jesse was my bestest friend !" and he was. We love you Jesse ! We will see you again our sweet son, in heaven.