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John Karlin

John was a very generous and kind person.

He would do anything for his family and friends especially his sister Mary Lou and her three sons.

Even at a very young age no favor was too much trouble.

John’s mother always said John was a GOOD EGG.

The memorial square represents just a small expression of John.

He was so much more!!

John was employed by the naval department for many years and worked at the Phila. Navy Yard. During his years of employment he received several certificates of appreciation and monetary awards for his contribution in engineering.

John was a member of the U.S. Air Force. He was stationed in California and collected wonderful memories of that time. He always expressed a desire to go back and live in that area.

John loved playing basketball, and was a devoted fan of the Philadelphia Eagles football team. He also followed the Nascar races. Both parents were from Ireland, therefore, he always enjoyed wearing of the green.

Being with John was always an experience. He was well read, and could tell you how and why the streets of New York were named. He could then switch to the recent gossip in Hollywood. One could doze off and upon awakening he would just be ending his opinion on the Hindenburg Disaster.

John was really a very casual dresser the photo of him was taken at his nephew’s wedding. I know he would like to be immortalized wearing a tux and looking so regal.

We all hope to see John again someday. He is truly missed and it will be quite a reunion!!