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Nathan Scott Siefert

Nathan was truly our angel here on earth. He had a sweet disposition, and loved all that loved him. He was non-verbal but spoke volumes thru his eyes. Nathan changed our family and impacted hundreds in his short time here on earth.

We created a village to care for our sweet boy. He was lucky, he did not have one mom but 6, his nurses care for him as their own. They brought their families here and we took care of each other.

Nathan you were such a brave boy, such a fighter. The doctors told us you would never come off the ventilator, at only 10 days of age you proved them all wrong. You fought long and hard through illness and surgeries.

When we moved to our new house you truly came alive, your own space, your own place. Music and videos your solace; the secret is we all loved the videos and music too.

In death we know that you are no longer in pain, no tubes, no pills, no machines, we still play music for you, just in case you’re listening.

Nathan you will be missed. For the duration of our lives we all think about you every day. And when it is our time we know you will be there to show us the way. We will all be together forever.