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Marion DiLeo

Ode to My Sister Marion DiLeo

Marion was the “Rock” who held our families together and touched every one who met her. She was kind, loving, caring, always there for whom ever needed some kind of guidance. I always looked up to her. The times we all spent together were so wonderful because she made them all special. She kept the family together. She made us all laugh, even cry. Look at our self’s also, she helped us to take a good look at ourselves for the better! All the things that she has brought to us will always be “treasured.” The things she taught all of us can never be measured. Marion touched everyone who knows her. She was a mother, aunt, wife, sister, grandmother, and our friend. Hence the term “grand”- because that she was! We all know that she is content, knowing that we’re keeping her memory alive with in each and every one of us. “We will never forget her.” She loved the Yankee’s, played bingo, helped her family and the elderly. But most of all she loved her family and grandchildren who kept her young.

We will always love and remember her

Love- Sister Rose & all the family