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Kenneth Charles Weldon

Kenneth Charles Weldon was born on Mothers Day, May 12, 1985. With a beautiful complexion and strawberry blonde hair, he resembled his big brother, for a while. Both grew into young adulthood with highlights of gold in their brunette hair, but now, big brother Jim, is showing twinkles of gray as he approaches forty.

K.C. was a gentle and loving soul, concerned, intelligent, and inquisitive. He showed and extraordinary love for animals, and had expressed a desire to become a veterinarian. His first pet, a Labrador retriever, was completely devoted to him, as is his beloved Duke, the dog he left behind. K.C. had a sense of humor and of adventure that spilled over onto his many friends, sometimes not to the delight of some parents nor to others in charge. His home-made potato gun painted the brightest orange he could find became something of a legend, bringing laughter to everyone as Ken relates to his version of the story. When K.C. couldn’t think of something to do, his “committee” of friends always came up with something way too much fun and irresistible to do. The stories that have been offered about my dear son, merely confirm what I have always known—K.C. was remarkably special. Each friend he made, he kept with him.

His friends have also kept K.C. with them, as they tattooed his name, or had reminders personalized on license plates, or gather at the tree that was planted in his memory by Tyler’s parents, his friend since preschool days, their many names memorialized on a plaque.

K.C. Weldon chose, at the age of 17 to become an organ donor. It is an honor to be the mother of a young man who, at such a young age, possessed the gift of selflessness.

Barbara S. Weldon