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Anita Mozgai

Anita was born in Shomokin, PA, on August 16, 1949. Her life was one of endurance, achievement, inspiration, courage, and strength. She was so much to so many. She was a loving wife, devoted mother, and doting grandmother.

She was an accomplished psychiatric nurse who earned respect and admiration of those she worked with. She took education seriously, earning a Master’s degree from Rutgers University. She was also named to the prestigious ranks of “Who’s Who is American Nursing”, and the Sigma Theta Tau International Nurses Honor Society.

Anita devoted a great deal of time to volunteer work as well. She volunteered at two different thrift stores, the proceeds of which were for the benefit battered women.

Most of all, Anita loved her family. She spend an adult life caring for, loving and inspiring her husband, son, and daughter in law. She was devoted to her entire family as well, she gave unconditional love to her parents, sisters, brother, nieces, and nephews. She had enough room in her brave heart everyone. Her greatest love however were her two granddaughters. She loved walking on the beach with them collecting shells. Although they only had a short time together, Anita left an indelible mark on their lives. She will always be their “Goomy.”

Anita by all accounts was an incredibly compassionate and caring person. She lived her life with the qualities of peace and serenity, accepting those things that were beyond her control. She truly touched lives and those whose paths she crossed are better for it.

Her family loves her forever and misses her every day.