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Christopher Laidley

Chris’ quilt square is made from his favorite sweatshirt that I had saved. His square represents activities that he loved in life. He loved bowling, being on a weekly team, and playing in tournaments, played “over fifties” softball during the summer, and loved to play bingo. He also liked to go to the shore, swim in the ocean, and ride bicycles on the Boardwalk, and stop in the casinos. He also loved dogs, of which he had four.

I know that if he had known the widespread positive outcome of his organ donation he would be well pleased.

I believe that it has helped myself and the rest of the family and friends to know that he lives on in others.

Given in memory of Christopher T. Laidley by Linda Laidley, his wife of over 35 years, and Louis & Kellie Laidley, his nephew and niece-in-law.