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Chester C. Kern Jr.


Chester was the love of my life and my strength. He worked hard all his life and instilled that work ethic in our two sons. We also have six grandchildren of whom he was also very proud. Friends, he had many.

Chester had many interests but his passion was golf, every chance he had he was off to the golf course. At home, it was the golf channel, reading, it was about golf. Chester would take our youngest grandson to the course and teach him how to play the game. He had cut down one of his clubs so it would be short enough for the grandkids to use. He was very happy that he had a grandchild whom was taking an interest in golf and was looking forward to the day when they would golf together. This grandson is now waiting to grow tall enough to own his Pop Pop’s clubs. We were able to do some traveling and spent a vacation in England where he had the opportunity to set foot on Royal St. Georges Golf Course. The material I chose for this patch was a sweatshirt he wore to play golf.

Having three grandchildren living only a block away would usually find one of them visiting. They were fortunate to have been able to spend quality time with him, which they will always remember. You would often find Chester with one of his grandkids in his workshop working on projects with them, wooden animals, flowers etc. which they would paint and take home. He also would play games with them and was teaching the youngest to play chess and shoot marbles.

Family and friends miss Chester deeply.

Billie Kern, wife