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Milton Clark Jr.

Milton Clark Jr., an accomplished professional actor, passed on May 31, 2007 born on October 18, 1958.

Milton performed in motion pictures, Young and Younger, Broadcast News, Prince of Tides and Gardens of Stone. He starred in the puppet children’s classic Gilbert and performed in off Broadway shows, Hello Dolly, South Pacific, and Show Boat where he played the part of old Joe at 17.

Milton was extensively involved in youth groups and bible studies at the State University of New York in Binghamton and in Media, Pennsylvania. He graduated from Penncrest High School. He also attended Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh and the University of Southern California.

He is survived by his Mother Phyllis Clark, Sisters Fern, Trina, Arden, Bonnie Pollard, and brother Randy.


To laugh often and much;

To win the respect of intelligent

People and affection of children;

To earn the appreciation of

Honest critics and endure the

Betrayal of false friends; to

Appreciate beauty, to find the

Best in others, to leave the

World a little bit better,

Whether by a healthy child,

A garden patch or a redeemed

Social condition; to even

One life has breathed easier

Because you have lived.

This is to have succeeded.

Ralph Waldo Emerson