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Thomas J. Cooper Sr.


Tom Cooper lived his life by the Boy Scout Law. He was trustworthy and always good to his word. His loyalty knew no end- working for the same company for 35 years, loving his wife of 33 years and volunteering for the local Boy Scott troop long after his three sons left.

Saying that Tom was helpful is the greatest of understatements. He was always the first to lend a hand and the last one to leave once the job was done. His friendliness made him more friends that anyone could ever imagine, and his courteous nature made him even more loved, even by those who did not know him.

Kindness came in abundance, constantly giving his time and energy to others- even up to his last breath. He taught his children and his scouts the importance of obedience; the same obedience he showed his loving mother and father.

Every task he tackled he did so cheerfully knowing the harder he worked, the sweeter the reward at completion. He saved every penny he earned and that thriftiness insured a comfortable life for him and his family.

Tom was brave and never gave up on his convictions no matter how often people might have disagreed. And you know, more often than not, he was right.

He believed a clean body, mind and environment was the best way to live. And now his reverence has him in the care of God who will look over him forever.