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#89- Jacobs

As a mother, Tracy’s arrival was a magical time in my life. I so enjoyed watching her grow. She could be very determined when she had a goal and was very creative. I marveled at the things she created, paying close attention to detail with each one.
Tracy became a practical nurse, while also raising two boys. She was also working and studying to become an RN. Tracy was ready to take her final test, when she had a serious back injury.
Life was not easy for Tracy, but she continued to keep moving forward and planning for the future.
Tracy had 4 sons and 3 stepdaughters. She was always “one of the kids” when throwing water balloons, playing nerf guns or board games.
I (Noah) loved the things I did with my mother: hunting, fishing, camping, trips to Maine, cabin and the beach, drive-in movies and playing board games. She was a fun, caring mother who would help me with puzzles, homework, and problems.
Tracy worked hard her whole life. Even on disability she did not give up. Tracy started her own craft business; sewing, jewelry, scrapbooking die cuts, personalized greeting cards, etc.
Tracy you were my wife and best friend. Tracy you will always be my “chipmunk”. The time we spent at the cabin together are some of my most memorable moment of us. And when I proposed to you up in the Kissing Tower at Hersheypark. Love always Randy your Husband.
Tracy is deeply missed, but lives on in our hearts.