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Katie Dorman Fuhrman

Twenty five years ago God loaned an angel to us…we named her Katie. We realized early on that we were blessed with a very special little girl. She was obedient and respectful from as young as learning to walk and talk. She never had to be told to tidy her room or to do her school work even when the options were often more inviting. She loved life and charmed everyone who knew her. At two and a half years Katie became a big sister to our second gift of life, Laura Mae. Together, they formed an irreplaceable bond. Both girls chose to accept and follow Jesus at young ages. The colorful experiences of Katie’s brief 24 years helped to form a beautiful tapestry of regal character. Missions trips to Portugal, Ecuador, and Canada along with the many ministry weekends with her grandparents Henry and Elizabeth Boyer, gave opportunity for Katie and Laura to live life beyond themselves. We are eternally grateful for her many friends and family members who shaped her life; some who graduated to heaven before she did including her granddad Boyer. Katie gleaned insights from others and was very eager to share the blessings with young and old alike. She loved helping those in need and expressed herself in ways that would encourage, inspire, and energize. She was blessed with a feisty resolve and tenacity to accomplish her goals. Katie had a true serenity about her that enabled her to “accept the things she could not change, the courage to change the things she could, and she possessed the wisdom to know the difference.”

Probably her greatest joy in life, apart from being married, was time spent with her brother Andrew. They treasured each other beyond human description.

Each passing minute brings us closer to that glorious moment when we will meet our Savior face to face and He will take Katie’s hand and place it in ours to be reunited forever. But until then, Katie, please understand that you are deeply missed and loved. What an awesome privilege it was to have shared life with you.

Love, mom and dad