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Gene R. Kutz Jr.

Our son, Gene R. (Crash) Kutz, Jr., was involved in a motorcycle accident on Sunday, May 2, 1999.

We would like to tell of Steve, a stranger, holding our son and talking and praying with him until the ambulance arrived, then coming to the hospital to speak with us about our son's last moments.

We should also tell of the paramedic, doctors and nurses who worked so hard to try and save our son for us, but couldn't. We should tell about the phone calls, visits, cards, food, flowers, prayers, and many other kind things done for us by family, neighbors, friends, co-workers, and people we never knew until this happened. The support we received was overwhelming.

We should tell of his friends and buddies who came to our house just to be as close to him as possible at this difficult and trying time.

To all of these people we can never give enough thanks and let them know how much we appreciate and love them for all they have done and are still doing to help us get through the loss of a very loved, and very missed, son and brother.

Gene, Sara, Terri, and Lonnie Kutz