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Stephanie Nicole Markland

Stephanie was a bright, happy, energetic and creative young lady. She loved her family, pets and friends. Steph was an avid cheerleader and athlete. Even in death she would have been glad to help other people and maybe even athletes through her tissue donation. We are somewhat comforted by the fact that her death brings a better quality of life for others.

Stephanie wrote poetry and quite possibly understood death better than any child should. She composed pieces at the age of 9 about the death of her uncle. Little did we know that we would lose her 8 years later. She also wrote poems about her mother and sister.

She had selected cosmetology as her career field and embraced it passionately. Stephanie just didn't want to work in a salon, she want to own it, maybe even several!!! She was on her way to work when she was killed on May 25, 2001.

Cheerleading was her other passion. Stephanie made varsity in her sophomore ear at Delcastle Technical High School. She truly lived and breathed it; six days a week and summer cheer camp.

The family pets were a big part of Steph's life. We raise Pomeranians. We currently have 5 dogs and Steph's guinea pig, Bert. He will be with us for the rest of his life. Shortly before her death, we had the opportunity to get one of our puppies back. Of course he was no long a puppy, but a 7 year-old dog. Yukon became Steph's dog.

Losing Stephanie has been devastating to say the least, but I, as her mother, would not trade one single minute of the 17 years I was fortunate to have had her, than to not know the pain of losing her would bring.

Through her gifts, others may be spared the same.