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Kevin Scott Meitzler

Kevin was 30 years old when he was killed in a motorcycle accident. Our decision to donate his organs and tissue was an easy one. We all knew his wishes to be a donor. When he was 10 his friend's father almost died waiting for a heart transplant. Kevin never forgot what that family went through. From that moment on he told us that he would be a donor. He was such a loving and caring person that it only seemed right for him to continue to make someone else's life better. There is nothing harder in life than losing a child but knowing that has made a difference in so many lives helps you heal everyday. Kevin had such an outgoing personality and everyone knew him loved him. He loved life and lived each day as if it was his last. He was the life of the party and always had a smile on his face. If he wasn't pulling a prank on someone he was contemplating one in his mind. He was very much loved and is very much missed by so many people. We are so very proud of the person he grew to be. We miss that smiling face everyday and thank God that he was part of our family.